dsc_2673-2.jpgNigel Gibbons                                        MBACP (Accred.)



Personal Development



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There are times when life can become overwhelming, or we may feel depressed or anxious, have a sense of being stuck or lost. There may be particular events which are troubling, such as a bereavement or a divorce, redundancy or illness may have affected us. Each of those can challenge our ability to cope with our lives.

Counselling is a process where we can examine, talk about, reflect on, and explore our lives and the experiences we are going through. Using our feelings, thoughts, sensations and emotions we can begin to find a way to get in touch with our sense of self and our experiencing. Gradually we can find ways of moving forward in our lives again.

Individual counselling can be very specific, you may wish to talk about a goal that you wish to achieve, such as a change of job or career, or you may want to explore things from your past or what is going on for you in the present. For some the goals are much broader, as they want to consider their purpose in life.

It is about how you can work, with me as your companion, to free up what is stuck, find the way forward that is unclear at the moment, or resolve issues which are troubling. There are no guarantees, but I will endeavour to work my hardest to help you.

For me counselling is a collaborative process, in which we work together. To encourage that I will monitor how things are going for you on a week by week basis, but also how each of our sessions has been, to see if the session has been helpful and productive for you.

For many people counselling is a puzzle in itself - am I doing it right? In some ways there are no rights or wrongs, rather it is allowing yourself to reach inside to what is unclear or fuzzy, vague or uncertain, to alllow something new to come.

Making the decision to find out about counselling can be a difficult one, and making that intitial contact with me may seem daunting and challenging. It isn't easy, but if you can do it you will have already taken some very big steps towards changing.

I won't telll you how to live your life, but I will try to help you find a better way to live.


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